Weekly Progress

Weekly Log by Kaiden Do
Week What I Did
To Be Continued ...
16 Unit 3 Notes Lesson 3.12 & 3.13 Unit 3.14-15 Hacks Unit 3.16 Hacks Unit 3.17-18 Hacks
15 Unit 3.8 & 3.10 Hacks Unit 3.9 & 3.11 Hacks Unit 3 Notes
14 Unit 3 Notes Unit 3.1 & 3.2 Hacks Unit 3.3 & 3.4 Hacks Unit 3.5 - 3.7 Hacks Truth Table Fibonacci Series Palindrome Maker
13 Tools and Issue Verification Binary Hacks Extra Binary Hacks My Lesson Hack Plan Team Lesson Plan
12 Trimester 1 Final Reflection Night At The Museum Reflection Class Weeks Table
11 Lawnmowers Arcade Fastpages Backend API Fastpages Repo Flask Repo Scrumboard N@tM Blog Trimester 1 Final Reflection
10 Team Scrumboard Blackjack Game Prototype Commit History
9 Frontend of Jokes API Backend of Jokes API Frontend of True False API Backend of True False API Team Project Video
8 Frontend of Jokes API Backend of Jokes API Frontend of True False API Backend of True False API 4.1 Internet Connections Group Plan
7 Changes to Error Testing Code College Board Notes and Quiz Airline API Group Plan
6 Unit 1 Grades AWS Deployment My website Group Flask Group Plan
5 Personal JavaScript HTML JavaScript Table Program Purpose Program Purpose Visual
4 Collaboration (Unit 1.1) Psychology and the Good Life Local Fastpages Server (only on my computer) Flask Python Server (only on my computer)
3 AppLab App AppLab Write Up Creative Performance Task Brainstorm
2 Python Tech Talk Class Weeks Theme and Dark Mode Exploration
1 Notes for APCSP My Class and Goals Personal Coding Journey Bash Tool Checks Python Quiz APEL Syllabus DNHS Info Class Weeks Homepage Customization
0 About Me Markdown Post Jupyter Notebook