Lesson 3.5 Hacks

  • Explain in your own words what each logical operator does
    • NOT: returns the opposite of the data given, ex: if given true --> NOT would make it false
    • AND: has two conditions and it sees if they are both met, ex: if a number is 5 --> must be greater than 0 AND less than 4, therefore false
    • OR: determines of one of the two conditions set are met, ex: if a number is 5 --> must be greater than 0 AND less than 4, therefore true
  • Code your own scenario that makes sense for each logical operator
isHot = False
if not isHot:
    print("It is cold")
age = 20
wallet = 50
ticket = 25
if age >= 18 and wallet >= ticket:
    print("Is old enough and can afford a ticket")
member = True
escorted = False
if member or escorted:
    print("Can enter the building")
It is cold

Is old enough and can afford a ticket

Can enter the building

Lesson 3.6 Hacks

  • 1 point for defining all the key terms in your own words. 0.5 points if you use examples that show you truly understand it.
    • Selection: if a condition is true, then a piece of code would execute
    • Algorithm: a procedure of code that does something or a task
    • Conditional statement: statement that dictates and affects the order code is executed if a condition is true
  • 1 point for writing a program that uses binary conditional logic. 0.5 points if it is original and shows complexity
number1 = int(input("What is number 1?"))
number2 = int(input("What is number 2?"))
cond = input("AND, OR, XOR?").lower()
if cond == "and":
    print("AND:", number1, "&", number2, "-->", number1 & number2)
elif cond =="or":
    print("OR:", number1, "|", number2, "-->", number1 | number2)
elif cond =="xor":
    print("XOR:", number1, "^", number2, "-->", number1 ^ number2)
OR: 5 | 4 --> 5

Lesson 3.7 Hacks

  • Create 3 different flow charts representing nested statements and transfer them into code.
carColor = "blue"
carPrice = 20000
color = input("What car color?")
budget = input("What budget?")
if carColor == color:
  if carPrice <= int(budget):
    print("I will buy")
    print("Too expensive")

  if carPrice <= int(budget)/2:
    print("I will buy because cheap")
    print("Wrong color and too expensive")
I will buy
w = int(input("What is w?"))
z = int(input("What is z?"))
if w > z:
  if w%2 == 0:
    print(w, "is greater than", z, "and is even")
    print(w, "is greater than", z, "and is odd")
  if w%2 == 0:
    print(w, "is less than", z, "and is even")
    print(w, "is less than", z, "and is odd")
59 is less than 60 and is odd
t = int(input("What is t?"))
m = int(input("What is m?"))
if t == m:
  print("Very Good", t, "=", m)
  if t < m:
    print("Too Small", t, "<", m)
    print("Too Large", t, ">", m)
Too Large 6 > 3
  • Create a piece of code that displays four statements instead of three. Try to do more if you can.
age = int(input("What is your age?"))
grade = int(input("What is your grade?"))
print("age:", age)
print("grade:", grade)
if grade >= 1 and age >= 7:
    if (grade + 6) == age:
        print("You are normal")
    elif (grade + 6) > age:
        print("You are advanced")
        print("You are dumb")
    print("You are very young")
age: 9
grade: 6
You are advanced
  • Make piece of code that gives three different recommendations for possible classes to take at a school based on two different conditions. These conditions could be if the student likes STEM or not.
print("answer: y/n")
math = input("Do you like math?")
english = input("Do you like english?")
science = input("Do you like science?")
history = input("Do you like history?")
print("Math?:", math)
print("English?:", english)
print("Science?:", science)
print("History?:", history)
if math == "y":
    print("Take Math 101")
    if english == "y":
        print("Take English 101")
    if science == "y":
        print("Take Science 101")
    if history == "y":
        print("Take History 101")
elif english == "y":
    print("Take English 101")
    if science == "y":
        print("Take Science 101")
    if history == "y":
        print("Take History 101")
elif science == "y":
    print("Take Science 101")
    if history == "y":
        print("Take History 101")
    print("Take History 101")
answer: y/n
Math?: n
English?: y
Science?: y
History?: y
Take English 101
Take Science 101
Take History 101