Unit 1.1 Collaboration

I understood the idea of collaboration through the videos. 3/3

Unit 1.2 Program Function and Purpose

The videos didn’t fully prepare me for the questions and I had to put a little bit more time thinking about and answering these questions. 6/6

Unit 1.3 Program Design and Development

From watching the videos, the MC questions were fairly straightforward to answer. 3/3

Unit 1.4 Identifying and Correcting Errors

Question 3 Corrections: The number 7 results in the correct answer so it was incorrect because the answer wanted wrong results. But number 8 results in check minus instead of check so that was the correct answer. 2/3

Unit 4.1 The Internet

Correction: Question 3, the World Wide Web is a info system that is accessed through the Internet, the Internet is a network of interconnected networks. 2/3