Collaboration (Unit 1.1)
Collaboration Notes.
Collaboration Video #1 Notes
When Mr. Han visited Facebook he saw that there was a lot of open space and a beautiful seating area outside. These things all give opportunities to collaborate.
Effective collaboration produces a computing innovation that reflects the diversity of talents and perspectives of those who designed it. This means that collaborating brings new ideas to the program.
Super Mario Brothers 2 was a re-skinning of Super Mario Brothers 1. Kensuke Tanabe had a concept of where you got vertically in a level. Shigeru Miyamoto said to also add horizontal levels. Then they collaborated in Super Mario Brothers 3 and they combined both vertical and horizontal levels.
Collaboration that includes diverse perspectives helps avoid bias in the development of computing innovations. This means when collaborating new features and ideas that wouldn’t be recognized alone are possible.
MC Question: B
Takeaway: Collaboration has communication, consensus building, conflict resolution, negotiation. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” - African Proverb
Collaboration Video #2 Notes
Pair Programming: two programmers work together - the driver writes the code and the observer reviews the code and offers help
Think-Pair-Share: think about a problem alone, talk about the problem with a problem, then share to a larger group
Leaving comments in code: communicate to partners and to yourself, acknowledge code and media from other sources, specify what each person did, explain the code
Collaborating in class:, GitHub, shared doc or folder, also ask others to test your program for feedback
Takeaway: talk with the user to receive diverse ideas, find out ways to make the program more user friendly.