Unit 3 Notes
- Vocab Link
- Unit 3 Section 1-2: Hacks
- Unit 3 Section 3-4: Hacks
- Unit 3 Section 5-7: Hacks
- Unit 3 Section 8 & 10: Hacks
- Lesson 3.9 & 3.11: Hacks
- Lesson 3.14-15: Hacks
Vocab Link
Unit 3 Section 1-2:Unit 3, Section 1.1: Data Types and Variables
- Variable is an abstraction in a program that holds a value, only one value at a time
- They have good names to organize code and understand what the variables represent
- Some variables are booleans, numbers, lists and strings; each are used in different instances
- Variables are seen as “containers” that have a name and value
- Naming variables certain names are important to prevent confusion
- Some variables are used for different things
Unit 3, Section 1.2: Variables
- Determine the value of variable as a result of an assignment, use assignment operator
- In python, they use equal sign to assign a value to the variable
- Recap: learn what is an assignment operator, how to use it, how to store value inside a variable
Unit 3, Section 2.1 : List and Strings Using Variables
- Strings are a series of characters, both numbers and letters and characters
- Lists are sequences of elements with each element is a variable
- In order
- Can store different types of variables
- Can be accessed by index (starts at 0)
Unit 3, Section 2.2 : Data Abstraction with Lists
- Lists bundle multiple variables under one name, can have different types of variables
- User doesn’t know how the list stores data so it is data abstraction
Unit 3, Section 2.3 : Managing Complexity with lists
- Use lists to manage complexity
- Simplifies code and makes code faster and easier
- Code is easier to read
- Many variables are not needed, don’t need to edit/add/remove entire variable to change it
Unit 3 Section 3-4:Lesson 3.3
- An algorithm is a finite set of instructions that completes a task
- Sequencing: the order the code is completed
- Selection: lets algorithm make a decision based on if a condition is met
- Iteration: a loop of something until a condition is met
- Mathematical Expressions
- Sequential code statements are used in algorithms to specify how signals are assigned
- Arithmetic Operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus
- +, -, *, /, %
- MOD returns the remainder
- String Concatenation
- Joins two or more strings together to make a new string
- strings are sequences of characters
- substring string in python can be found with the string and which range of characters
- Joins two or more strings together to make a new string
Unit 3 Section 5-7:Lesson 3.5
- Boolean is a true (1) or false (0) –> (binary)
- Used to tell if something is true or false
- Ex 1 & Ex 2:
score = 3 if score == 3: print("Score equals 3")
Relational Operators
- Mathematical relationship between two variables
- Determines output even if statement is not true
- Ex 1
age = 18 if age >= 16: print("Can Drive")
- Ex 2
passengers = 3 cart = 4 if cart >= passengers: print("Not Full")
Logical Operators
- NOT: opposite of the data, usually true/false
- AND: evaluate 2 conditions together and if both conditions are met
- OR: determines if one of the conditions is met
Lesson 3.6
- Selection: specific block of code that will execute if the condition passed
- Algorithm: finite set of code that completes a task
- Conditional statement: affects the sequence of control by executing statements in different order
- Affects the sequential flow of the code
Lesson 3.7
- Nested Conditional Statement: conditional statement with more inside of it
- Nested into each other: else if in else if
- Question 1: x = 5 & y = 4
- x is smaller than y
- Question 2: height = 60 & age = 17 & photo taken
- The total bill is $10.
Unit 3 Section 8 & 10:Lesson 3.8 Iteration
- Iteration: repeating part of an algorithm until a condition is met
- Iteration Statements: changes the flow of the code by repeating statements a number of times and it stops repeating once a condition is met
- Repeat Until: the loop of code loops if the condition is not true
- Stopping condition is used to stop the iteration when the requirement is already met
- Iteration Statement: causes statement to be executed 0 or more times, depending on the loop-termination condition
- Starting Value: where the variable starts
- Ending Value: where the variable stops
- Incrementing Value: how the variable increases
- break would stop the loop
- Traversing Lists: all elements in the list are accessed, for partial traversal, only portion of elements are accessed
- pop() –> takes element off the list and returns it
- sort() –> permanently changes the order of the list
- sorted() –> temporarily changes the order
- min() –> returns the minimum value of the list
- max() –> returns the maximum value of the list
- sum() –> returns the sum of the values in the list
list.pop() list.sort() sorted(list) min(list) max(list) sum(list)
- Traversing a list is process of visiting each element in a list in sequential order; used to access, search for, and modify elements in a list
- Complete Traversal: all elements are accessed
- Partial Traversal: only a portion are accessed
- Iterative Traversal: loops used to iterate through list to access each single element at a time
- insert() –> allows value to be inserted at index i
- append() –> allows value to be added at end of list
- remove() –> allows an element at index i to be removed
- length() –> returns number of elements in the list
list.insert() list.append() list.remove() list.length()
Lesson 3.9 & 3.11: - Review: components of an algorithm are selection, sequencing, and iteration
- Algorithms don’t always do the same thing because of a small equals sign
70 <= grade 70 < grade
These are not the same.
- But there are multiple ways to make an algorithm, so they don’t need to be identical to work.
- Can use nested conditionals with booleans while making algorithms
- should outline or brainstorm before coding an algorithm to make sure it is sequenced correctly
def multiply(x,y): product = x*y return product products = multiply(5,6) def function(x,y): while x > 0: print(y+x) x+=1 multiply = x*y return multiply
- Use a flowchart or pseudo-code and write it out
- Helps visualize the algorithm and makes it easier to code it after
- Iteration and selection are used within algorithms
- You can make new algorithms by branching off old ones
- Collatz Conjecture: can repeating two arithmetic operations make all integer become 1?
- Binary Search: repeatedly diving search interval in half
- first put numbers in order from small to big
- get middle number, then finds if the number is bigger or small than the middle number
- then moves to the respective side and repeats past step until finds the desired result
- first put numbers in order from small to big
- Practice:
- 19
- 22
Lesson 3.14-15:
- Documentation: Text that explains the what, how, or why of your code
def gradeAverage(num): sumNums = 0 for t in num: sumNums = sumNums + t average = sumNums / len(num) return average print("The average grade is", gradeAverage([65, 70, 72, 75, 80, 73, 61, 84, 81, 83]))
- Library contains procedures that can be used in new programs
- Code segments can come from internal or external sources
- Libraries can simplify complex programs
- libraries are included with a “.”
import math math.sqrt(64)
- Randomization generates a random value between two numbers
import random answer1 = random.randint(0,3) print(answer1)
- Need to do import random at the beginning to use random
import random answer1 = random.randint(0,3) answer2 = random.randint(1,8) answer3 = answer1 + answer2 print(answer3)
- The range includes the numbers in the range
- Many methods for random
- seed()
- getstate()
- setstate()
- getrandbits()
- randrange()
- randint()
- choice()
- choices()
- shuffle()
- sample()
- random()
- uniform()
- betavariate()
- expovariate()
- gammavariate()
- gauss()
- lognormvariate()
- normalvariate()
- vonmisesvariate()
- paretovariate()
- weibullvariate()
- RANDOM (a,b) will provide you with a random integer between the numbers a-b
- Ex. RANDOM (7,18) can provide you with the number 13.
- Using a random generator means each result can come out as different. ```python import random flip = random.randint(1,2)
if flip == 1: print(“Heads”) else: print(“Tails”)
# Lesson 3.16: [Hacks](https://kaiden-dough.github.io/fastpages/jupyter/week16/2022/12/13/Unit_3.16_HACKS.html)
## 3.16 Intro to Simulations
- Simulation: an imitation of situation or process also called a virtual experiment
- Examples: testing safety of cars, games, testing things
import random
status = "in"
while status != "out":
chooseCorner = input("What corner do you choose?")
corner = random.randint(1,4)
if int(chooseCorner) == corner:
status = "out"
print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and you're OUT")
print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and are still in!")
- Experiment: procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or to demonstrate a fact
- Simulation Pros and Cons
- Pros: safer, cheaper, efficient
- Cons: not as accurate, no outside factors
- Don’t simulate a situation with set results
- Four Corners Example Simulation ```python import random
status = “in” while status != “out”: chooseCorner = input(“What corner do you choose?”)
corner = random.randint(1,4)
if int(chooseCorner) == corner:
status = "out"
print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and you're OUT")
print("You chose corner number " + chooseCorner + " and are still in!") ``` - Rolling Dice Simulation ```python def parse_input(input_string):
if input_string.strip() in {"1", "2", "3","4", "5", "6"}:
return int(input_string)
print("Please enter a number from 1 to 6.")
raise SystemExit(1)
import random
def roll_dice(num_dice): roll_results = [] for _ in range(num_dice): roll = random.randint(1, 6) roll_results.append(roll) return roll_results
num_dice_input = input(“How many dice do you want to roll? [1-6] “) num_dice = parse_input(num_dice_input) roll_results = roll_dice(num_dice)
print(“you rolled:”, roll_results)
# Lesson 3.17 & 3.18: [Hacks](https://kaiden-dough.github.io/fastpages/jupyter/week16/2022/12/14/Unit_3.17_3.18_HACKS.html)
## Section 3.17
- Sometimes when a problem has too many possibilities, a heuristic approach would be taken
- Algorithmic efficiency: aspect of algorithmic programming that measures the number of steps needed to solve a problem, need code that is more efficient to speed up the code processing.
- Inefficient:
def inefficientWay(numbers):
for i in range(len(numbers)):
min_index = i
for j in range(i+1, len(numbers)):
if numbers[j] < numbers[min_index]:
min_index = j
numbers[i], numbers[min_index] = numbers[min_index], numbers[i]
return numbers
print(inefficientWay([2, 4, 5, 1, 3]))
- Efficient:
def efficient_sort(numbers):
for i in range(len(numbers)):
min_index = i
for j in range(i+1, len(numbers)):
if numbers[j] < numbers[min_index]:
min_index = j
numbers[i], numbers[min_index] = numbers[min_index], numbers[i]
return numbers
print(efficient_sort([2, 4, 5, 1, 3]))
## Section 3.18
- Undecidability: you don't know if the problem can be solved or if every number works in the code
- An undecidable problem is one that should give a "yes" or "no" answer, but yet no algorithm exists that can answer correctly on all inputs.
- Unsolvable: An unsolvable problem is one for which no algorithm can ever be written to find the solution.
- Collatz: The conjecture asks whether repeating two simple arithmetic operations will eventually transform every positive integer into 1
def collatz(i):
while i != 1:
if i % 2 > 0:
i =((3 * i) + 1)
i = (i / 2)
return list_
- Hailstone Numbers: The sequence of integers generated by Collatz conjecture are called Hailstone Numbers.