Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

I need to show a program that takes an input and uses that input to produce an output. I need to be able to describe in words wht the program is trying to achieve, how the program functions, and describe what the input and output are in the program. I am currently able to do these things because I can take a user's input to output a result.

Row 2: Data Abstraction

I need to create a data structure that can store data and use that data structure in a function. I need to identify the variable of the list and describe what the list's data is used for in the program. I am able to do this with the positioning of the tiles in the AppLab. The data in the list is used to position the tiles on the x and y coordinates.

Row 3: Managing Complexity

I need to utilize a list to reduce to complexity or redundancy of a program. I can do this by using the list in a for loop and completing a function for each part of the list until the list is fully used.

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

I need to create a function that receives a parameter that can affect the result of the function. I can do this by creating a function that receives user inputs as a function and compiles it into a string or result.

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

I need to use sequencing, selection, and iteration. I am not sure how to use sequencing and selection and I can learn through College Board or online resources. I do know how to use iteration and this is by using loops.

Row 6: Testing

I need to test two different parameters into the function created before by calling the function. I can do this by inputting different responses when taking user input.