My Grade

    • I got a 50/50 on the Tri 1 Final Exam on College Board.

Questions I Found Difficult

  • Question 18
    • I didn’t know what exactly the World Wide Web and Internet were
    • My answer was a lucky guess
  • Question 19
    • I did not know the binary values for the large numbers like 14 and 15 and 29
    • I had to google a binary converter in order to complete the question
  • Question 22
    • My binary skills are not that good so it took me a while converting the binary into decimal
    • But I still got the correct answer
  • Question 24
    • My binary is not good so it took some time doing question


My understanding of the topics in the exam were all good except for the topics relating to binary and the internet and world wide web. I did not know the complex binary to decimal conversions. Also I did not know the explicit relationship between the world wide web and the internet.