Our Project

  • While presenting our project our features had good reactions
  • Someone gave a suggesting to add modulus and attempt to add order of operations
  • They also liked the map
  • People were alo actively participating in filling out our timers, notebooks, and todo lists.
  • People like Yasha and Amay’s friend were interested in our project
  • Here is a photo of our project at the N@tM:

Other People’s Projects

  • Yumi
    • The project was about some food and calorie calculator
    • The user would add food and their calories and the food type it it would be stored as saved nutrition
    • Very cool project, I liked the red theme in the frontpage
  • Formula 1 Betting
    • In this project you would enter a race day and name and the season
    • Then you would bet some coins on the winner
    • I think this project is pretty cool because Formula 1 is pretty popular right now I also like the frontend because of the appealing UI
    • Soma and Aadit did a great job presenting this project.
  • Dolphin Fitness
    • This project is a fitness tracker and the theme is a dolphin
    • The frontend is simple but nice
    • Users would login and they could log workouts
    • Also they could find workouts nad exercises for certain muscles
    • They would also calculate and record their calories in the calorie management slide
    • This project was very helpful for people who go to the gym and I think it was cool
    • Here is Finn presenting their project and Paaras presenting his calorie management feature