
  • CompSci has 150 ish principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?
    • A crowdsource idea that we could use in out environment is a big repositiory that everyone in the class can edit. This would be helpful for the class because if people had trouble completing an assignment, they could look at another person’s project for inspiration and an idea for what to do.
  • What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your project be better with crowdsourcing?
    • For Del Norte crowdsourcing there could be a big forum that would have a bunch of assignments with answers to it and information on the topic that is important. This would be good for the project because there would be a lot of information about things and people would have more ideas and information that they may have missed when they first learned about the topic.
  • What kind of data could you capture at N@tM to make evening interesting? Perhaps use this data to impress Teachers during finals week.
    • The data you could capture at the Night at the Museum to make the evening interesting is maybe a top 3 projects and why they like it. This would be better for the finals project because it would help improve the faults of the project and it would make the project a lot more composed and a lot better.