Big Idea 5.1 and 5.2

  1. Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit
    • The calculator can help users quickly and easily calculate mathematics.
    • The todo list and notes can help users organize their thoughts and their assignments to ocmplete and to study.
    • The timer can help the student record and help plan future schedules based on assignments that have been previously timed.
  2. Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.
    • A potential harmful effect of my project is that the calculator can cause users to lose their ability to do simple math and make them solely dependant on the calculator.
  3. Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year: What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?
    • The pros and cons of the school blocking websites at school are both good and bad. For the pros, students are required to stay focused during school and cannot wander off on their devices onto websites that have video games on them. A con is that when the student needs to access certain sites, the school may have blocked it due to a filter, but the site is actually educational. Another pro is that the teacher can somewhat regulate the classroom when they are on their devices. A con is that when the teacher has prepared some material and the website is blocked on school WiFi, the whole lesson is ruined.
  4. What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.
    • The concerns I have personally about the digital divide is that for me I may not be able to have the technological resources that other students from more affluent neighborhoods and schools have access to. For example, I do not have a powerful laptop, so my ability to learn certain things is limited due to the digital divide. A concern for others about the digital divide, is that people on poorer status than mine, or in a thrid world country is unable to efficiently and properly learn about technology. This extends to that they cannot learn as efficiently at all, because websites like Canvas and Google Drive are very helpful in learning, but poorer people may not have access to these resources and they cannot learn as much as people in Del Norte High School.