Capture the Moment

Two Trimester focus planning

  • How you used N@tM to capture test data to be used in trimester 3:
    • Through our experience at night at the museum we were able to capture data regarding how users would use our website. We noticed that they were really intrigued by the draft feature because it had most of the work. They were also interested in the comment feature, but ignored the individual player statistics page because it was on a separate page. We also found out that it takes quite a while for people to do the draft because the typing out of the player takes a while.
  • From feedback, something you will add to your project:
    • From the feedback we received we will really condense the page. We will do this by putting all the features on a single page by putting pop-ups of the individual player statistics page and the chat. This would make it very easy to use the website while drafting players. The individual stats page would still have an individual page, to display the next game statistics prediction but a smaller version would be used to search a player’s statistics quickly. Also, we will add some top suggestions that the drafter can just click to help streamline the drafting process.

Blog / article on you and team

  • Reflection on glows/grows from your demo/presentations:
    • Glows:
      • In our presentation, we were able to do very well in presenting our project to the viewers. We were able to keep people engaged in playing our game. Additionally, we were able to explain our code to the people who were curious about the algorithm that projected the fantasy scores. Furthermore, we did good at keeping the viewers involved by letting them draft their own teams and navigate the page.
    • Grows:
      • We could have improved on getting more people to look at our project. We had people who were interested, but I guess we were not in a prime position to get viewers to look at our project. We can improve this by making our website look more flashy and have people lure people over to the table. Also, we need to improve our project’s user interface because one specific user had trouble utilizing the draft feature, I guess it was not simple enough for the user to use.
  • Visuals or pics of team and people you talked:

Blog on event

  • Something you saw in CompSci that impressed:
    • The project that I was impressed by in CompSci was the ASL Recognition Game. This game was really cool because it used camera recognition to see if you could recreate the prompted hand sign. One suggestion I gave was to tell the user what the sign means in English. This would let the user learn the ASL signs. I think the camera recognition is truly inspiring and it opened my eyes to how we can use coding in real life for many more issues than I perceived.
  • Something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked:
    • Something that I saw outside of CompSci that I liked was in an art class. It was of an old man with a baby on his back. I really liked the detail put into the piece and I thought it was really beautiful. I also think the brush strokes used add texture to the painting, like a furry type of texture. I think this choice was a good one because when you see some furry texture, it connects you to thick clothes, and this connects to the cold and I think that was what the artist was trying to portray in this piece. Also the art is very realistic, like a photo with a furry type of filter overlayed on it.